Research/Market Update |
Market Update is a monthly publication circulated by USI Advisors, Inc. and is designed to highlight various market and economic information.
December 2020 Market & Legal Update
"Markets Rollercoaster Ride Ends on a High Note, but Virus Lingers”
While 2020 was not a pleasant experience for most citizens of the world,
global equity markets surprisingly set records which significantly aided
pension plan asset growth. The S&P 500 returned 18.4%, NASDAQ
rocketed up 43.6%, MSCI EAFE was up 7.8%, and the Barclays Aggregate
Bond index rose at 7.5%...
November 2020 Market & Legal Update
"Stocks Surge on Encouraging Vaccine News"
U.S. equity markets climbed in November after promising results on multiple Covid-19 vaccine
candidates boosted hopes that the virus could be conquered in the months ahead, ultimately
leading to economic normalization in 2021. The S&P 500 ticked up 11% for its best finish since
April and the technology-heavy Nasdaq Composite was up 12% for the month...
October 2020 Market & Legal Update
“Uncertain Times Bring Uncertain Markets"
Following a dismal first quarter, markets rose sharply from April through August, wiping out
most, if not all of the losses that accumulated during the latter part of February into March.
However, global markets have retreated since early September due to rising COVID-19 cases
across the globe, little progress towards another U.S. fiscal stimulus deal, as well as the
uncertainty of the upcoming election, and whether the election would be contested...
September 2020 Market & Legal Update
“Is the September Slump a Correction?”
After five consecutive months of positive returns, global markets retreated in September, with the S&P 500 dipping 3.8%, however the index is holding on to strong gains for the quarter. The markets were boosted by accommodative measures by the central bank earlier in the year but this proved less effective in September as investors shifted their focus to a lack of progress towards additional fiscal stimulus, rising coronavirus infection rates globally, the potential for a second wave this fall, and uncertainty about the upcoming presidential election...
August 2020 Market & Legal Update
“U.S. Equity Markets March Higher Five Months Straight, Reach New Highs”
Global equities recorded strong gains in August, with the S&P 500 having its best August since 1986 and the S&P 500 and NASDAQ hitting all-time highs. There were only 6 trading days during the month when the S&P 500 did not advance, as low rates, a steadily improving economic outlook, corporate profits that largely beat analyst expectations, and progress in vaccine development fueling the rally...
July 2020 Market & Legal Update
“Stocks Extended Gains in July”
U.S. equities climbed for a fourth consecutive month despite a mixed showing for
corporate earnings, a moderation in economic momentum, concerns about a recent
spike in coronavirus infections, and a resurgence of trade tensions between the United
States and China. The S&P 500 rose 5.6% in July, posting its biggest four-month
percentage increase since December 1998...
June 2020 Market & Legal Update
“Markets on A Wild Ride in June”
After two straight months of advances, markets were quite volatile in June. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) started off the month with 6 straight days of gains, hitting a high of 27,580 on June 8th amidst the optimism that came along with the slow and steady reopening of the economy, progress on vaccine development, the Fed’s “do whatever it takes approach to support the economy”, and unprecedented fiscal stimulus. Since then, the DJIA experienced a choppy ride, closing the month at 25,812 as optimism faded following a significant rise in coronavirus cases in the United States shortly after reopening parts of the economy...
May 2020 Market & Legal Update
“Markets Remain Optimistic Despite Dismal Economic News”
Although economic conditions remain poor, markets held on to gains for a second straight month and the S&P 500 Index had its best two month stretch since 2009. On the health crisis front, the U.S. reached a tragic milestone in May, as the number of deaths from coronavirus crossed 100,000, however, the number of new infections and mortalities has fortunately been on a downward trend. The market gains have been forward-looking, with the economy slowly beginning to reopen as the virus trajectory flattens...
April 2020 Market & Legal Update
“Global Markets Rally with the Economy Ready to Re-Start its Engine”
Despite world economies being shuttered and forced into a mass hibernation, a disturbing record rise in unemployment, an all but certain recession on the horizon, and the lingering effects of social distancing from the coronavirus, global markets came roaring back in April with the S&P 500 posting its best month since January 1987. After major U.S. stock markets set a record for the fastest drop of more than 30% between February 19th and March 23rd, the S&P 500 sharply rebounded by gaining 34% since the low...
March 2020 Market & Legal Update
“COVID-19 Outbreak Shuts Down the Economy and Everyday Life”
The longest running-bull market and the longest economic expansion in U.S. history officially ended in March as the outbreak of COVID-19 intensified globally. It took equity markets 16 trading days to move from their peak on February 19th to bear market territory, one of the fastest declines historically. Stocks saw a sharp increase in volatility during March as investors feared the devastating impact of the virus, social distancing adversely impacting global economies, and the collapse of energy prices...
February 2020 Market & Legal Update
“Has the Market Correction Arrived?”
As markets have soared for the past 10 years, many felt that it wasn’t a matter of if, but when some sort of market correction would occur. February 2020 appears to be the answer to that question. While there have been viral respiratory syndrome outbreaks in the last 20 years such as MERS (2012) and SARS (2003), the coronavirus outbreak was not known to the world at the beginning of the year and thus not factored into global market expectations...
January 2020 Market & Legal Update
“Are Coronavirus Fears Overblown?”
The markets started the year on the rise with upbeat earnings and continued progress on the trade impasse, but the coronavirus outbreak originating within China weighed on global markets at the end of the month. Global coordination and increased public health measures have helped limit the spread of the virus outside of China, and although it is too early to predict its economic impact, history indicates that markets tend to be relatively immune to epidemics. The World Health Organization declared a global health emergency on the last trading day of the month and stocks around the world retreated on the news. Bonds rallied and international markets underperformed...
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